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Just Our Shoes & Mephisto of Ridgewood |
Just Our Shoes
Welcome to Just Our Shoes - Mephisto of Ridgewood
Just Our Shoes is a family owned and operated business located in northeastern New Jersey, less than 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan. Just Our Shoes is committed to providing only the finest service and personal assistance to all of our customers. Whether you are shopping online at justourshoes.com or visiting one of our retail locations, we guarantee top quality customer service and a friendly, stress-free shopping experience. |
Just Our Shoes - Online Store:
Just Our Shoes has been on the World Wide Web since 1998. Since we are shoe retailers first and foremost, we always treat each and every online customer as if they were shopping at one of our retail locations and working with one of our salespersons on a one-to-one basis. That is why we are always available to answer your questions regarding fit, style, comfort or anything else. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us or call our toll free customer service line (800) 431-4911. |
Just Our Shoes - Mephisto of Ridgewood - Our Retail Stores:
Ridgewood, NJ - 16 North Walnut Street - Ridgewood, NJ 07450 - (201) 447-3408 - Our Ridgewood location offers only the finest brands and best selection for both women and men. We also own and operate one of only two Mephisto Concept Stores in the New York Metropolitan Area. Mephisto of Ridgewood is located directly adjacent to Just Our Shoes. Our unparalled selection and expert customer service are the reason people make our store a destination shop. Many of our New York City customers will gladly travel to us to avoid the stereotypical "take a number" mentality of your average NYC shoe store. Plus, since New Jersey does not collect sales tax on footwear, you can get more for your money at Just Our Shoes. Westwood, NJ - 183 Westwood Avenue - Westwood, NJ 07675 - (201) 664-6633 - Our Westwood location is a smaller, boutique-style store designed to meet the needs of our female customers. Same selection of women's footwear as our Ridgewood store in a more compact setting. |